
4 Ways to Beautify Job Interviews

When it comes to make an impression in a spectacular first interview. For example, let's see .... a Chinese company says its hiring have ears beautiful. (The company says they want to ensure the appearance of a worker will not adversely affect customers. What?) But back to normality, when we met the new salons Private in Los Angeles and New York are now offering a $ 95 fee Prep Interview [including beauty treatments, in addition to career placement assistance, we began to think professional grooming, if you want. Here are five tips to keep in mind.

1. Leaving behind blue eye shadow in the 80's where he belongs. We know that nods to the decade was all over Fashion Week, but unless you apply for a concert track Ford (modeling agency, not the car company), do not fashion, make-up fun. Neutral applied with a light hand is best.

2. Look at the hair. It seems obvious, but the wet hair is tucked away in a pet is not going to score any points you. If you can not afford to get it professionally dry, styled (uh, for you are unemployed), hair-even, smooth flyaways with a light cream, and clamp lowponytail or bun makes sense. Big, wild hair is not an option. This is an interview, not a day.

3. Getting the right type of manicure. The adage old nails perfectly groomed HR speak volumes about a candidate always rings true, but just because they are polite ... We've seen some pretty wild stuff lately: For example, black nails were cute young starlets on the red carpet last year, but the look is a definite no-no interview. (Ditto for the French manicure. Seriously.) Short, clean, peeling cuticles of the nails that are either polished or painted in a color nude is the way to go.

4. Avoid the last minute of the face. As your nails, condition your skin says a lot about you, even if no one has control over the pesky hormones and genes. But acne or dark circles can work against you, and facials can irritate sensitive skin any condition. Instead of piling on the blue shadow (see above), moisturize dry skin matte for types of fat, and use a base luminizing to simulate a healthy glow. Secret Weapon: Spell wedding, $ 42, which covers all the subtle defects.

