Facebook has made some small improvements, but useful for photos of the property.
Noting in a blog Friday that more than 250 million photos are uploaded every day, Facebook said it was always looking for ways to improve functionality.
An improvement was concluded last week showing your uploaded photos in a higher resolution. Images are now displayed at 960 pixels, compared to the previous size of 720 pixels, which means that the images are sharper and more detailed. All the images you've downloaded from the website will automatically appear in higher resolution.
People see your photos will now be able to see "twice as fast," according to Facebook, which apparently accelerated the time it takes for an image to load.
Finally, Facebook has changed its Photo Viewer based on feedback from its users. The new viewer will replace the current threshold of black and white background, a company that will put more attention on the picture and less frame.
Not all Facebook users will see improvements for now. At the end of last week, Facebook said it is making gradual improvements over several days.
Facebook has been busy lately re-setting some properties. Last week the company announced changes to the privacy settings that allow people to block unwanted photographs and other items were added to their pages. On Friday, Facebook has pulled the plug on its range of products, offering users a discount coupon for local businesses.